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Changing Mediums and Styles

Flowers and more flowers! That has been my subject for as long as I can remember but my medium and style has changed over time. For many years, I loved painting in watercolor because of the easy flow of the paint and the effects of layering color. The transparency of each layer was like looking through stained glass. For me, this is so beautiful. Within the last five years, I’ve switched to acrylics and found they can be just as transparent when you use professional quality brands, like Golden. I didn’t realize that acrylic paint came in many variations of transparencies. If you look at a tube of artist quality paints, you will see a little square printed on the front. There is a solid box, a...

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Five Tips for Beginning Acrylic Painters

Five Tips for Acrylic Painters I have always loved watercolors but twenty years ago I switched to acrylics and have learned so much about the medium since then.  So, here are five tips about acrylics that I wish I had known from the very beginning.     Tip 1:  Acrylic paint will dry darker, the opposite of watercolor It took me a long time to figure this one out.  I would get the perfect color mixture on the palette and then later the color dried way too dark in the painting.  It was frustrating because then I had to add more white on top and then the painting appeared chalky or flat looking.  So I took my watercolor technique of...

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